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Rose Roots Community Spaces

For all Gardeners to Share in Growing Community



Several community plots within our garden along with the stunning Pollinator garden at our entrance are designed to encourage gardeners to share these plots, garden together, and grow community within our garden. Each plot offers a unique learning experience and opportunity to connect with and learn from fellow gardeners.


Some gardeners have been with Rose Roots since the beginning and have contributed to the growth, maintenance and development of these plots over the years to make them beautiful. These gardeners often have expertise in best maintenance practices, so it is helpful to contact our leadership to get connected with these informal groups. All are invited to work in any of these community spaces and any community space work goes towards the 12 service hours required per plot per season. All community plots offer the opportunity to sample, though pick lightly. The plots are outlined below this map of the garden quadrants:


1. Herb Garden Plot (NW Quadrant):

This group cares for the herbs but will also make sure to harvest when ready. Share with the community and sample for personal use. Water, Weed, and Feed too. The Herb garden plot borders have been replaced this year!


2. Cooks Companion Plot (SW Quadrant):

This plot has examples of delicious cooking companions, medicinal herbal remedies, and botanical suggestions for relaxation and rejuvenation.


3. Food Forest Plot- West (SW Quadrant):

Water, weed, and feed the amazing plants around this permaculture bed. Learn the plants and their benefits and share with the community. Signage helps understand the foliage in this plot.


4. Food Forest Plot - East (SE Quadrant):

Water, weed, and feed the amazing plants around this permaculture bed. Learn the plants and their benefits and share with the community. Signage helps understand the foliage in this plot.


5. Children's Garden Plot (SE Quadrant):

Let’s plant the teepee early this year so we get vines to climb all the way to the top. This group will self organize to plant, water, weed, and share the treasures with kids. We hope to gather a Youth group this year to help lead the maintenance of this plot.


6. Front Fence Line (S Border): On either side of our front fence we have ornamental trees, beautiful shrubs, a community Library (bring books to share!) and some stunning flowers. We always need help weeding those areas and keeping the Compost area tidy.


7. Pollinator Garden (S of Walkway): The pollinator garden was nurtured by Jessie Standart before her passing. Jessie partnered with Gina, both Master gardeners, to select native species and add genus and species botanical labels for educational purposes. Current Leads Katie Meis and Shannon Sawyer continue to nurture the garden and always appreciate help!


8. Two Food Donation Plots: Designated gardeners lead the planting and harvesting of these plots and all harvest is donated by the local community organization - the Arvada Veggie Van to local community in need. Karel Hemler leads gardening in these plots and may need help at times. We encourage gardeners to participate in our food donation program by putting excess produce in the refrigerator in the West Barn.

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