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Gardeners Growing Community

Never underestimate the healing power of a quiet moment in the garden.

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Organic Tomatoes
Share Your Talents​


Can you play an instrument, offer a workshop on how to grow the biggest onions or pumpkins or would you like to host a slide show of your gardening journey and the things you've learned by "Failing Forward?" Would you like to host a seasonal cooking class, share with fellow gardeners how to preserve foods, or offer a class on local weeds, pests and mildew and how to reduce their effects? Have you found especially successful crops or techniques for our arid climate and shorter growing season?


Are you part of a bluegrass band or have Dancing Caller skills for our next HoeDown? Do you have contacts who could share their area of expertise? We welcome any contributions you can share with our gardening community. Get in touch Here and you may become a Featured Presenter at our next informal BBQ or Farm-to-Table elegant gathering.


Calling All Green Writers


With our shorter Colorado growing season, our lower temps, the occasional hail storm, and cyclic challenges like heat, heavy rain, mold, wind, and garden opportunists like hungry bugs and bunnies, it can be challenging to be an Organic gardener here. But as they say, "Nothing worth doing comes easy."


Those of you who have gardened in Colorado for years, have stories and lessons to share. Whether you'd like to offer a short write up about a Garden Incident, a funny anecdote, or some tips for the upcoming season, please share with us and we will publish on our Rose Roots Blog. Crowd sharing our experiences will make us a stronger, smarter garden community! Email your submissions here.



We are 100% Volunteers. We need you!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

--Margaret Mead

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Rose Roots Community Garden  |  8412 Alkire St, Arvada, CO |  (720) 702-8806

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