This is an ORGANIC garden (no chemicals/pesticides allowed)
Click here to review what that means for you and your plot.
We typically start planting after the May frost and ALL plots must be planted by June 1; and cleared out by October 31.
Water is typically turned on in mid to late May, after our last frost. As a reminder, the City of Arvada manages our water and controls the start and end date of water availability.
Plots not planted by June 1 will be reassigned to those on the waiting list.
Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) has a really great article Month by Month on what to expect in the Garden. Start here and then scroll down to the month of Interest (i.e. March)
Each Gardener is required to help take care of the community garden by volunteering service hours.
For a full plot, we ask for a of 12 hours. For half plot or raised bed, we ask for for 6 hours. At the end of the season, if you do not fulfill this, we will send you a bill for $7 each hour not logged. This must be paid before you are invited back to the garden for the next year.
Service hours can accumulated by:
Serving in a role (i.e. outreach coordinator, compost lead, quadrant lead, etc.). Check here for all the open roles or teams to join
Helping out around the garden (i.e. weeding!).
Each quadrant has specific areas to focus on. Check out yours here.
You also can help us take care of the Community Spaces
Stay up to date on Garden Activities.
We have events upcoming that we want you to be a part of! The BEST way to stay up to date is to subscribe to the Newsletter! (scroll below to subscribe). As summer rolls around, you can check out the Kiosk outside the garden, or read the chalkboards which are located by the gates.
Now Get Started: Planning your Garden Each year is a fresh start or new beginning. When thinking about what your garden will look like this season we do have some things to consider. Some of the highlights are...
Lighting - planting north to south gives your plants the most sun. Crops need 6 hours of full sun. Greens and lettuce tolerate partial shade. Root crops such as carrots & beets can have just morning sun.
Soil - Evaluate your existing soil to determine what it needs. Organic amendments such as compost, manure, and worm castings will improve drainage, soil consistency, and provide nutrients.
Water - Water seedlings lightly and frequently to get their roots established. When plants get bigger, water less often and for longer to establish deeper roots. Too much water can result in root rot and fungal diseases. Not enough water can cause stunted growth and poor yields. Plants will need more water during heat or dry spells. The ideal time to water is before 10am and after 6pm.
Nutrients - Avoid chemical fertilizers and pest or disease controls so that food doesn’t become contaminated. Rose Roots is an all ORGANIC garden.
Plot - try growing up if your space is limited using a trellis, cages, etc. Just be aware of the shade it may create for your neighbor.
What to Grow? - Decide what you'd like to eat. Keep it simple so you don't become overwhelmed. Draw up your plan. Do your homework by familiarizing yourself with the plants and consider companion planting. Remember to put in some flowers to help pollinate your garden and the joy factor.
Seasonality and Veggies - cool, warm and successive planting.
Cool - lettuce, radishes, peas, broccoli, and root vegetables such as beets, potatoes, and carrots in mid-spring. Some can be replanted in late summer for fall harvest. Cool season vegetables do best in temperatures of 40-75 degrees F. Wait until all danger of frost is past before planting outside.
Warm - tomatoes, peppers, corn, beans, eggplant, and cucumbers once the weather warms in late spring. Warm-season varieties need average temperatures between 60-95 degrees F. To get a head start these can be started at home and brought to the garden.
Successive - Double crops can be planted. Cease planting cool weather crops during the hottest part of the summer and resume when the weather starts to cool off again. Remember our water turns off in October generally.
Garden Care - keep your plots free of weeds with mulch, non-seeding straw, compost. Pests and diseases happen, know your plants' weaknesses. Enjoy the harvest and remember the growing periods for more productive crops. Learn from each year. It is a journey!
Additional Resources:​