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Garden Leadership

Leadership is a rewarding and great way to serve the garden community! Garden leaders serve a two year term per our Bylaws. Below are the descriptions. A nomination and vote must take place for all positions below.


  • President:   Presides over all meetings of the Steering Committee, sets agenda, organizes potlucks and/or annual meetings, coordinates communication to the various committees, and is the liaison between the garden, Denver Urban Gardens,  (“DUG”), and the City of Arvada.


  • Vice-President: acts as the President when the President is absent or unavailable, and sits on the Steering Committee.


  • Administrator/Secretary: responsible for all written records of the organization, minutes of meetings, official correspondence, and sits on the Steering Committee.


  • Treasurer: responsible for all financial records, has the authority to give approval to Denver Urban Gardens for the release of money on behalf of the organization and sits on the Steering Committee.


  • Membership: responsible to track and maintain member plot records, collect plot fees, field phone and email inquiries, maintain gardener wait list, track member community service hours, hold guidelines, and sits on the Steering Committee.​


  • Steering Committee - composed of three members, of the listed above, and no more than five. Any member may join the Steering Committee at any time if a position is open, by nomination of at least two members, not including themselves. Advance notice of such nomination must be given at least one week before the next Steering Committee meeting. Members thus nominated serve on the Steering Committee for two years, after which re-nomination is required. Any member missing three consecutive meetings of the Steering Committee will be removed from further service on the Steering Committee. Members that are removed from the Steering Committee as a result of missed meetings may only be reinstated for service once, through re-nomination. The Steering Committee may, by a majority vote at any meeting, waive this limit in individual instances. Termination of membership in the organization also terminates service on the Steering Committee.


  • To be nominated you must be a current paying garden member in good standing having completed 12 Service Hours. These are all volunteer, non-paid positions. To submit nominations you must be a member in good standing having completed 12 Service Hours.


  • Nominations are due by October 4th of each year for the next season. Please email your nomination Here. Give the name of the person and the position for which you are nominating them. If the gardener accepts the nomination, they will provide a brief paragraph about themselves and what makes them a good candidate for this position. they will then be added to the anonymous Survey Monkey Ballot.


  • A survey Monkey Ballot will be emailed to all gardeners to place your anonymous vote for each position. Voting will start October 7th and come to a close October 17th and the new leadership team will be announced at the October 18th End of Season Celebration. New leaders will take start serving in their roles at the start of the following year.

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Rose Roots Community Garden  |  8412 Alkire St, Arvada, CO |  (720) 702-8806

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