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August 2020 Rose Roots "Dirt" Newsletter

Good Morning Organic Gardeners, I am so proud of our garden! It is so full of life, growth and harvest. This time of year brings in zucchini's like no other and tomato's are ripening up, along with many other veggies... so delicious! Walkers passing by have been caught taking pictures of the beauty. Nicely done gardeners! We have been sharing our abundance in some different ways this year. It is heart warming to hear first hand their experiences, please read on. August's Monthly Garden Notes - 10 gardeners attended

Share the Abundance - Food donations In July's monthly meeting we worked out a schedule and tested it. The decision was made to shuffle one of the days so there is less confusion and shared food for all. Our families are getting used to our charity from the gardeners and the Arvada Police deliveries as our top priority. Also, just a remember, PLEASE PICK YOUR ZUCCHINI before they are arm size! SERIOUSLY they grow that fast. If you donated them because they are too big, people you donate to have to figure it out as well?! Do your best please.  Here's a reminder of the delivery and pick up days. PRIORITY

  • Wednesday/Thursday Delivery @ noon by Officer Sterling (Our priority)

    • Feeding Community with Blue - 4 qualified families who get deliveries from the Arvada police force. One day a month it is Thursday due to Police training schedules. See schedule on the fridge in the west barn for clarity.

      • Update: families are so appreciative. Because the quality and consistency is so amazing, the families have come to depend on it. Sterling and his shift-mates are sharing the deliveries, so all deliveries are on Wednesday/Thursdays. The families are finding new ways to use the veggies we provide, along with the recipes. Their feedback has been nothing but gratitude. Thank you gardeners and especially gardeners that give back by prepping the veggies and giving additional goodies. Some additional tools were suggested but confirmed are not necessary. There is also an article in the Arvada Press that covered this story. Please check it out! How amazing to bring the Police together with the community in a positive interaction. Shelley offered to donate $50 to any additional supplies we may want to purchase, tools, spices, etc.


  • Sunday before 10am Delivery

    • Hope Connection and Community (aka Giving Table) This is a place located at a local church, that each week, families are able to pick up food and veggies. We deliver our excess cleaned veggies for families in need. 

      • Update: The veggies are greatly appreciated and even the zucchini's find a home.

  • Thursday by 3pm

    • Arvada Veggie Van -  Produce is sold on a golf cart in various areas of Arvada. All the customers are greatly appreciating our contribution! This is a small operation so they don't need as much.

  • Friday evening Delivery 

    • Hope House A- delivered to the facility for teen mothers with a full kitchen. They also have a small garden that could use mentors.

      • Update: Greatly appreciate the very large delivery mid month. Garden mentors would be very helpful.

  • Thank you to volunteers for these programs. Please remember to write down your time in the service notebook. These programs are running very smoothly so we'll let you know if any volunteers are needed here. 

Plot Boarder Raised - be aware!

We have raised borders on several of the plots starting on the west side. Many of they have been amended with added soil over the years and needed help containing it. With all the new crusher fines on the pathways this project will help with dirt spillage onto the paths, helping keep weeds down as well. PLEASE BE AWARE when entering your plot for the higher borders. All plots will eventually be completed. Amy plans to donate to this project as a huge proponent of getting higher boarders! Big thank you to Jim and Gary for doing the physical labor! This project was approved for $1000.00 for the first round of plots.

MINIMUM Covid19 Guidelines Remember folks, the CDC still has guidelines as well as a statewide notice from our Governor. Please, no exceptions. Have your mask! Keep a social distance! If not for you, but to help others feel comfortable at the garden.

  • REMEMBER - Minimum 6' social distance

  • REMEMBER - Please wear your masks while interacting. Help reduce the spread of a bad virus!

East/West Children's areas We have been busy building ways to keep the smaller gardeners busy while adult gardeners are busy attending their veggies. The east area is all cleaned up and even has a house. The west area has bug/frog tic-tac-toe and a tee pee at near completion. Sue donated funds for tarp to finish it. Play hop scotch with the kiddos! More things to come. If you have a moment, please help keep the weeds away and pick any you see on your visit near the play areas. The children's toys will last longer if put away after play.  A little goes a long way! Composting 101 - COMING SOON! So much to know about composting at a community garden. An email was sent to help you understand what seems to be a confusing process to some. This Saturday is our event with DUG Master Composters from 9-11am. Please join us and remember these points...

  • Simple thing... Read the signs posted! They gives you the basics.

  • Please be mindful of what you put in the staging area. The mower spits back rocks that make bruises when they hit the person mowing. We also don't want to break the mower! 

  • It can be amazing when left to cook. Opening the bins lets the heat out!

  • Only take from the last bin!

  • If everyone mowed the staging area once it would be so much easier for the Master Composter!

  • If you'd like to be mentored as a compostee, please email membership to be connected to one of the Masters. Enjoy!

  • Laura donated to bring an additional thermometer to the cooking bins and it was approved to purchase another for the additional bin. Essential to know the heat.

North Inlet - Under Construction! The north inlet where some of the wheel barrows are stored and there are a lot of weeds is under construction and not a compost area. Please do not throw your compostables back there any longer. More information to come once we have planned it out. If you have experience in planning space, please come to our Thursday golden hours to help us figure it out OR email membership with your thoughts. Current ideas, summer storage for the wheelbarrows, lawn mowers and rototillers. Visitors in our Garden Sometimes we see people in our garden that look like they aren't gardeners of Rose Roots. Please take the time to say "Hi!", welcome them and ask if they have any questions even if you may not have an answer. Some may be up to mischief, some may just need some food, and others may just need a place to calm their anxiety. We did discuss putting up fake cameras to keep the mischievous away. One or two will be donated and placed in obvious places. This also brought up a bigger question of how we can share our produce. We decided to turn the community pick signs to reflect only to our gardeners. Our garden is a beautiful place of peace and quiet. Share it!

Remember your Service Hours and Options

I know, it sounds unnecessary to write it down if you've done something but it helps Leadership know where people are working in the garden and if we were to ever apply for a grant, etc. tracking that information can be helpful accountability. There are options: 1) give your time on a project, evening with others or look at the job list 2) giving towards a larger material item 3) email your idea. 12 hours at $7.00 per hour, if you'd like to give monetarily. If you would like to give cash instead of service hours, please contact or write in the service book under your plot number. This month we have a few small item in exchange for hours! Thank you!! 

  • purchased compost for our gardens

  • additional wood borders & repairs

  • travel folding table with 2 chairs

It has been a very hot summer this season. Be sure to give good long waterings to your plants to help them get to shorter days and less heat. They will love you and bring you more food! Enjoy the solitude the garden brings us. It is a place of quiet and peace in a uncertain world and a great source of food from our labor.

Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of  Grace.

For the love of gardening, Kendra and Garden Leadership


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Rose Roots Community Garden  |  8412 Alkire St, Arvada, CO |  (720) 702-8806

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