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January Garden Stoke, Welcome 2019 Gardeners!

Rose Roots Leadership

January 18, 2019

By Kendra and Rose Roots Garden Leaders

Good Morning Organic Gardeners, Welcome 2019 Gardeners! Garden leaders have joined forces to start this season early, covering some very essential topics to get a leg up on 2019! Enjoy your snow days, skiing, baking cookies and snuggling under covers for now, but please think about some of the areas we need help. During our more quiet season, please lend a hand. Here's is where we begin...

Topics for January 2019 Starters


Crusher fines Project – this project will be worked on prior to the Kick Off Meeting in March. Those of you who have said they would help serve on this project be ready. Measurements will be taken by Gary Williams and Jason Andersen. The results will determine how much of the garden will be covered with new crusher fines to help prevent some of the weeds this year and coming years. Cost of the fabric will be calculated by Jim Richards. The conclusions will be communicated via email to Leadership and decisions made of how much to cover this season. Volunteers will get a shout out to come help with a few work days getting this project done before June.

Website Clean-up HELP NEEDED... Anyone who may have the desire to help us reinvent the Rose Roots website. It is currently outdated and in a format that is difficult to work. We are looking at a couple platforms called WIX or Square Space. If you are interested and have the skills, please contact to get us current. It will require transferring all information currently available to the new format and some additional writing to fill in any blanks. This project can be a collaboration of folks. GoDaddy currently holds our website name.

Evaluate Plot Fees Plots remain the same $75 for the 15x15’ beds. The raised beds will increase from $25 to $35. Registration will not have any PayPal payments through DUG, so bring your checks or cash to registration. There will be pre-registration after the February garden meeting. Details coming soon.

Membership Topics Membership Volunteer/Service Hours All hours were calculated and recorded from 2018 season.For 2018 gardeners, at registration it will be $7.00/hour up to the required 12 hours, charged for each hour not served. You were warned, now it's real.Kendra will email all gardeners who were lacking service hours prior to registration in March, so you are aware of your fees, only if you are short of the 12 service hours required. Please do not ignore this email as surprises are not always fun. Starting 2019 you can acquire hours by attending garden meetings

Leadership Roles & Responsibilities LEADERS NEEDED... If you think you are good at these tasks and would like to serve the garden in a leader position, think about Communications, Website Maintenance, Social Media and Compost Leaders. You will have people to help you if necessary. It is very rewarding and appreciation comes in many forms! Descriptions to follow.Karel and Kendra will meet prior to the February meeting to compile a more workable job list and job descriptions for gardeners to choose from. All gardeners will need to chose a job they can be accountable for to complete their 12 required service hours. Attempt to come up with enough jobs for all potential gardeners to sign up for going forward. This is a test and will be reviewed at the end of the year. At some point all gardeners will have to do some weeding, darned weeds!

Draft Calendar with Activities and Some Formal Dates

Agreed to carry on with Monthly Gardeners Meetings each Monday of the month unless on a holiday. Those meetings will be held the following Monday. Committee leaders are committed to either attend, send a representative to relay updates or send an email with all updates for leadership to relay to attendees. Agenda items sent to Karel no later than 3 days in advance of meeting. Evite will be used for bigger events and monthly garden meetings to help members remember and sign up to attend. Group text reminders will be sent to leaders of committees for monthly meetings. Garden pre-registration starts February 5th, details to follow. Kick off Registration Meeting, Sunday, April 7th, 1-3pm at Standley Lake Library. Complete Garden Calendar at the February meeting.

It is exciting to get the garden moving before the season starts. We have gained friendships and enjoy working as a team to make Rose Roots a smooth buzzing garden community. Please come join us anytime by contacting for any additional details.


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