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March 2020 Newsletter "The Dirt"

March 19, 2020

Good Morning Organic Gardeners,

Well, usually March Madness is about basketball, but this year it carries a different picture COVID-19 Virus. It is an interesting time in our world, not to be over reacted to but showing consideration and concern for friends, family and humans all around the world. Hardships will be felt globally, even though we live in our small Arvada bubble. Please follow the advice of the WHO and CDC. Their main themes are...

  • Wash Your Hands frequently with soap or alcohol based sanitizers

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth

  • Cover you mouth with the bend of your arm when coughing or sneezing

  • Stay home if you're sick

  • Limit your travel as much as possible

  • The virus lasts about 14 days and some of those days you may not realize you have it.

  • Of course, if you have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. This is a respiratory virus that can turn into pneumonia. 

  • Gardening is exercise and proven to improve your health.

This situation will have a short term effect on our garden, so please read on. More to come on this from DUG.


***2020 Garden Registration***

If you thought last year's registration was different, this year's is a doozy! With this crazy virus going on, the library is closed and CDC is not recommending social gatherings until further notice. That may be lifted by then or not. The GREAT news is DUG has a new online registration platform. It has been tested and we are ready to roll. This would be for returning gardeners who have a plot assigned already. Here are the steps:

Information to know before you start:

  1. Rose Roots Community Garden is your garden

  2. Know your name and plot number to include on the name line of the application! Email if you don't know it. The application does not ask for it, but it will help us tremendously!!

  3. Plot amounts: 15' x 15' - $75.00, 7.5' x 15' - $45.00, ADA raised bed - $35.00

    1. If you don't know your plot number/size of bed, please email for that info.

    2. If you put down a deposit last fall, please deduct that. If you are not sure, please email membership.

    3. The required service/give back hours for each plot is 12. That is a not optional as we have a large garden that needs it's community love.

    4. Know your email for your receipt.

    5. Have your payment information in front of you, debit or credit card.


Online Payment

The online payment link is  super simple, But you aren't done yet!

  1. This is supper easy and a quick response to your email and bank account.

  2. DUG will confirm payments on a monthly basis with our Treasurer, Karel.

  3. If there are two or more gardeners in this plot ie. husband/wife, family, etc. The other gardeners, over 18 years old, must fill out a paper form for insurance purposes. They will be available in the west barn, due by June 1st. Just fill it out, include plot number and drop in white lock box inside west barn to the right of the door. DO NOT START GARDENING until you complete this step! Please.

  4. When you do online registration, please read the regulations. We hope that you will follow them to keep the community at peace. There will be copies in the west barn.

  5. If gardeners fill out an application for a garden they do not have a plot at, they will be fined by DUG. The Waiver and Release states this.

  6. Last but not least... You are welcome to still use paper applications if you would like. Online is not mandatory but helps cut back on trees, staffing, mailing, delivering applications, etc.

  7. Thank you! Once you get your payment confirmation, please check your bank account to be sure it went through (nearly immediately), you are welcome to start digging in your plot! If you have any questions, please let help you.

  8. Oh, and never fear... we will have a gathering before the garden opens hopefully to stir the excitement! Details to follow. Also will be sending good practices at the garden for Covid-19 soon.


Crusher Fines Project

WOOHOO, Jim managed to snag weed barrier before COSTCO got crazy AND ordered more crusher fines! The plan is to not scrape the surface again, yes. The date has not been determined but hopefully in April all the bans will be lifted and the weather will cooperate as well. Join the WHEEL BARROW gang and get a head start to your service hours. Snooze plans to come out an play one day too.


SNOOZE pays it Forward! You can too!

Last month on a very nice Saturday morning Karel and Kendra gave some service time in front of the SNOOZE Breakfast Eatery in exchange for all the proceeds from 7 days of Pancake of the Day. That was an amazing opportunity that helped with a donation of $1700!! We are now partners for the long haul. Please be a grateful gardener, visit them for a delicious A.M. meal (when they reopen) and THANK them while your ordering!  SNOOZE 104th and Highway 36. The proceeds will go to Marketing to get the word out about open plots and operations projects.Thank you SNOOZE!

It's a strange time for the world but gardening is good for your mind, soul and body. It is an instigator of good health in the food it produces and the exercise we get maintaining it. This virus shall pass and life will bloom like the spring flowers. Can't wait to see you digging the dirt!

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!' 

For the love of gardening, Kendra and Garden Leadership


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Rose Roots Community Garden  |  8412 Alkire St, Arvada, CO |  (720) 702-8806

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