Thank you everyone who made our Music in the Garden Series with Tim Merkel a success! Extra thanks to our Youth Team for providing such fun activities for everyone.
Below are a few updates.
Treasurer Appointed:
We would like to thank Karel Hemler for her tireless service as our Rose Roots Treasurer officially and unofficially for five years. She has navigated many challenges during her tenure with patience and grace and has kept our garden in one of the best financial situations in the DUG organization. When you see her in the garden say thank you!
We are pleased to announce gardener John Malito was nominated and unanimously appointed as our new Treasurer. We look forward to having him on board!
Waste Management Survey:
Thank you for your participation and thoughtful feedback in our waste management survey. We had 46 participants. Over two thirds of those wanted some type of receptacle. The majority wanted a trash bin and recycling bin. We have contacted several waste management companies who won’t deliver seasonally, so we are continuing to research.
Here are the survey results (on the responses tab):
Food Donation:
Our Food Donation Team would like you to know we are now collecting donations. Please put excess produce in the fridge in the barn and it will be collected on Mondays and Thursdays before 3 pm and donated to the Community Table and Veggie Van. If you sign up to pick up, please contact Theresa McKinney at if you can’t make your shift.
Here is our sign up sheet if you would like to participate in pick up and delivery:
Next Meeting:
Our next All Gardener meeting is Tues July 6 at 7 pm at the garden. Join us!
Summer Solstice Garden Howl:
Happy Father’s Day tomorrow to all you fabulous fathers out there we love and treasure. Take a picnic to the garden and also celebrate summer solstice with a howl at the garden at 8 pm.
Contact RR President Erin Newton at with questions. See you out at the garden!