As we wrap up a wonderful garden season, we invite you to you check out some season memories HERE in our 2023 Garden Memories album. Please send us your photos Here to add to our album. It was a season of beautiful tomatoes, pumpkins, zuchinnis, beans, red chard, hundreds of pounds of donated produce, and togetherness. We thank you all for donating produce this season to Arvada's Community Table Food Bank and Veggie Van, and hope you will continue to harvest throughout the month to ensure no produce goes to waste on the vine.
Upcoming Events
October 21, 9 am: Gravel Spreading Closing Party: This is our last group opportunity to get your service hours in this season! Please join us for a Wheelbarrow Brigade to spread gravel on thin spots in our pathways to help reduce weed spread. Gravel is being delivered October 12. Please let us know if you can make it at the Evite Here.
Official Garden Closing is October 31 per DUG guidelines. Below is a Guide for clearing your plots. Thank you for ensuring your plot is tidy by October 31.
Oct 20-Nov 2: Dumpster will be available to clear your plots of material that doesn't go in the compost (eg. plastic, large sunflowers, metal).
Water Shutdown: Water will be shut off by the City in anticipation of the first frost. The average annual frost date is October 10, so water will be turned off soon!
Tues Nov 14, 5:30 pm: Final 2023 Season Garden Meeting at Standley Lake Library Room 2.
Event Recap
Wed Sept 27: BBQ and Music in the Garden: It's Official! Our gardeners LOOOOVE a Potluck with live music in the garden. It was a stunning evening with a full moon, perfect weather and one of our finest performers, Albertan singer songwriter John Hewitt sharing almost entirely original songs. A seasoned gardener commented "I think he was one of best performers we've ever had!" The potluck salads, sides and desserts were incredible as usual. Thank you to Jim Richards for grilling up a feast!
Wed Sept 27: BBQ and Music in the Garden
Westside Landscaping Project
The following are goals for the Westside Landscaping Project to accomplish next season:
We will purchase and replace trees, shrubs, perennials that did not survive the first planting round
purchase and install all irrigation for trees and shrubs (check irrigation at pollinator bed)
purchase and install 2 curb stops and purchase and install several planters which will hook into irrigation.
purchase and install 3 or 4 long picnic tables w benches
discuss method to compete commemorative sculpture and follow through
expand west side compost bins, clean up and better utilize area - move gravel from existing pile to pathways etc.
add fabric and gravel to area where toilet used to be located - move some of the existing mulch to the large pine tree at the west side gate
remove and control weeds - add freestanding pole fence to area near puppy parking
discuss moving puppy parking to the shady area at the south pollinator bed where it might be better utilized.
Finances To Date
The garden has $7,725.84 in reserve remaining to date. Future projects prioritized in recent Monthly Garden Meetings include:
adding several more raised ADA plots,
spraying weeds with an organic vinegar mix,
spreading gravel to cover areas of pathways that are bare.
Additionally, plants will be ordered for community spaces in Spring to replace any that have not survived.
In planning for next season, the Leadership Team welcomes all gardeners to come to Monthly meetings to offer suggested garden improvement ideas. Monthly Garden meetings will resume next March 2024.
2023 Season Summary of Expenses as of 10/10/23:
Gardener Amenities: $1,663
Community Outreach: $259
Operations: $1,569
Maintenance: $2, zs`
Total Spent 2023 season: $5,557
Westside Project (From City Neighborhood Improvement Grant Funds):
$3000 on trees and plants
Outstanding expenses include electricity, water, and porta potty which are billed at the end of season.

Neighborhood News
Two Ponds National Wildlife Refuge is looking for support for upcoming projects Here.
Our neighboring Flower Gardener Gina Schley with She Grows is offering fabulous Tulip Growing and online gardening classes Here.
Here is information about Broomfield's Butterfly Pavilion's 30 Million dollar expansion.
A new paved trail is going in at Westminster Hills Open Space. Learn about the history of the Open Space Here.
Majestic View Nature Center is raising funds (QR code in image) to build a new classroom. Learn more about their Wishlist Here.
Special Moment of Gratitude
Rose Roots Gardener Anna Campbell donated $1300 via a donation program sponsored by her company. We are so grateful she thought of Rose Roots and per her request will be putting some of the funds toward a second new electric lawnmower to breakdown compost.
Guidelines for Clearing your Plot:
If you are returning next season, feel free to leave things that are still growing, feel free to plant cover crops, and leave your plot in a tidy condition.
Chicken wire: Jim Richards is excited about recycling your chicken wire, so please set it in a pile next to the dumpster.
Dumpster items: should include sunflower stocks, diseased plants, plastic and metal.
Compost Items: all organic matter can go in a pile next to the westside compost where we will reduce, consolidate and cover it.
Pro Tip:
If you are pulling large plants, shake the dirt clods out in your plot so we don't have to mow them with our brand spanking new electric mower secured by Gary. Thank you Gary Williams!
Goal next season: Trex Donate a Bench Program
Trex sponsors local recycling programs in universities and communities throughout the country. If our garden can collect more than 500 pounds of plastic refuse in a six-month span (about 40.500 plastic bags), Trex will donate a high-performance composite bench to our community!

Produce Donation
It has been decided with input from gardeners and by a vote of the Leadership Team to focus our produce donations in the 2024 season on one organization next season. the organization designated is the Veggie Van, who has paired with Rose Roots Community Garden for years and picks up our donated surplus produce from the barn weekly. We look forward to partnering with Veggie Van's Shelley Cook again next season!
Togetherness Kick Off Next Season
We are looking forward to reinstating the Open House Season Kick off IN PERSON next season (April 2024) at the Standley lake Library. We will have a Potluck brunch, welcome new and returning gardeners, and will register gardeners and share opportunities to become more involved!
We hope to see you at our Final Work Party to close up the garden on October 21st at 9 am! Come when you can, leave when you must.
Rose Roots Leadership Team
Laura Bennett, President
Erin Newton, Vice President
Administrator, Shannon Sawyer
Tom Glum, Treasurer
Christie Morin, Membership Lead
Gary Williams, Operations Lead
Jim Richards, Operations Lead
Patty Sacks, Special Projects Lead

Team Leads
Alyson Katz, Produce Donation Lead
Katie Meis, Pollinator Garden Lead
Deb Harris, Kiosk Designer
Karel Hemler, Food Bank Plots Lead
Karissa Devore, Events Planner
Judy Newton, Community Outreach
Amy Ahrent, Social Media Lead
Catherine Camacho, Youth Team Lead