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Rose Roots 2021 Season Registration Open!

Happy March Gardeners! We are so excited to tell you the online garden plot application is here! It can be accessed on a computer or smart phone. YAY! As soon as you submit your form, a confirmation copy of the application will be sent to the membership garden email and to DUG. It will also be drawn directly, at that moment, from your bank account. Slick eh?! Then you are ready to GARDEN!! Please read through ALL the details to help you get started...

  • If you have questions on any one of these answers, please email Also, if you need help getting it completed, please contact me and we can work through it together. I'm happy to help! There are changes to the registration form this year. Please pay attention to the various sections. I'll be watching the email closely.

  • If you found change in your life and are not planning on returning, please email me so we can give gardeners on the waitlist the opportunity to garden at Rose Roots.

  • The Plot Fees are:

  • $75 for a full plot

  • $45 for a half plot

  • $35 for an ADA plot.

  • Have your plot number and card number ready.

  • Your service hour requirement for the season is 12 hours per plot. We'll have several ways to help at the garden! Sign up for a job at Often times jobs are shared as we work together in community.

  • Please be sure to purchase your plot with the amount necessary to cover your plot size. For those who gave a $25 deposit this fall/winter just deduct that from the plot amount for the balance.

  • DUG Dues - Please commit to contributing to DUG dues which are $25 per plot annually and support DUG's administrative costs for those who can pay.

  • IMPORTANT - Your plot number goes in the feedback location.

  • When you purchase your plot you are agreeing to Rose Roots Garden Rules and Regulations. If you'd like to review please find them on our website at

  • Lastly, it's super important each adult gardener MUST fill out an application to garden at Rose Roots. ALL gardeners, even those who share plots, are required to fill out the application per DUG. As the second gardener just put ZERO dollars in the amount.

  • Woohoo! Garden season at your fingertips! Eazy Peezy!

  • Click here to purchase your plot!

Fun detail... We are working on a safe Garden Opening Event. Look for coming details in the monthly newsletter. If you'd like to be a part of the Community Outreach Committee to help with organizing, please email membership and it will be directed to Barb Mutnan the leader of this sub-group. Can't wait to see you all at the garden!! Stay warm and cozy in the meantime. Warmer weather is on it's way!

Rose Roots Community Garden Leadership 2021 Kendra Eliason, Membership

Rose Roots Garden 2020


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Rose Roots Community Garden  |  8412 Alkire St, Arvada, CO |  (720) 702-8806

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