It is half way through our beautiful garden season and we have about 400 hours logged as a garden in total so keep coming to work parties, meetings, and garden events to finish the season strong! Remember to log your service hours Here. You can check how many you've logged Here by sorting by plot number. We thank all of you for your dedication and service to the community. We have one of the most beautiful gardens in the Front Range, and it is because of all of you!
Event Recap
We had a great turnout at the July 30 Music in the Garden and Potluck BBQ with Lucas Lawson and Leland Mackessy. We had a great feedback from gardeners on the music, BBQ, and wonderful food you all brought! It's Official: Rose Roots Gardeners know how to potluck and enjoy fabulous live music!
At the Aug 5 Arvada Pollinator Garden Tour we had over 30 tour participants and around 30 cyclists from Bike Friendly Arvada stop by our garden and Oogle the tremendous amount of work that was put into the garden so we can support birds, bees and beneficial insects.
Find Our August Monthly Gardener Meeting Minutes Here.
July 30 Music in the Garden Potluck BBQ Memories
Aug 5 Arvada Pollinator Garden Tour
What starts with W and ends with EED?
Each corner of the garden needs some weeding, so grab a friend, family member and please help weed these areas. Note: All weeding in community areas goes toward your required service hours per plot per season (12 hrs for full plots and 6 hours for ADA and half plots).
Outside of our fence line needs weeding-most of the weeds have gone to seed, so we will need to bring them home, so please bring a garbage bag.
Please note, we do not have trash service this season, so please take metal and plastic trash home. Note: We plan to get a large dumpster at the end of the season to clear out our plots. The dumpster is scheduled for delivery Oct 20th to Nov 1.
Garden Pest Management Pest are a part of gardening, as is finding innovative ways to get rid of them!
From Left to Right: Squash Bug, Tomato Hornworm, Flea Beetles
Don't Let Garden Pests Steal Your Hard Earned Produce!
Bring a bucket of soapy water and keep it in the garden, you can put them in the sudsy water and they will move on to their next life somewhere else.
If you notice the eggs on the underside of your squash, kale, chard etc (big leaves), you can use duct tape to remove the eggs. Please dispose of that in a plastic bag and bring to your home garbage.
Neem oil, diatomaceous earth, chili powder, and organic tomato sprays are tried and true pest management methods.
Food donations are being accepted in the west barn, please see the signage on the west barn for days of donation. We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to help others!
Gardener Gratitude
Thank you to Brian and Judy Newton for procuring BBQ supplies and hosting our musicians for our July 30 Music in the Garden Potluck and to Jim and Linda Richards and Kendra Eliason for helping with setup.
Thank you Katie Meis for tending our pollinator garden so it was in prime condition for the City of Arvada 2023 Annual Pollinator Garden Tour.
Thank you to Shannon and Brian Sawyer for serving as fabulous hosts for the City wide Pollinator Garden Tour and to Majestic View Nature center for organizing it.
Thank you Josh and Shelby for adding 12 sandbags to the children's play area.
Thank you Jim Richards and John Chisum for mowing and putting down black plastic on abandoned plots to reduce weed seed spread.
Thank you Deb Harris for keeping our lovely kiosk up to date with Current events.
Thank you to Lucas Lawson and Leland Mackessy for the wonderful garden performance.
Thank you to Jason Anderson for recruiting his community from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a Community Work Day on Aug 23.
Thank you to Bill Orchard for bringing Bike Friendly Arvada for a bike tour of Rose Roots. We always love to have you!
Thank you to Jim Richards and Jack Daniel Nix for volunteering to procure and oversee installation of irrigation piping for the Westside Landscaping project.
Thank you Aaron Dawn, Erin Newton, Patty Sacks, Dan G, Geremi and Sterling Boom, and Audrey Ivy for taking on abandoned plots. We appreciate your willingness to jump in and care for those plots.
Thank you Geremi and Sterling Boom for jumping in on another abandoned plot and helping tend the beautiful herb garden and to Karel Hemler for maintaining our high producing Food Bank plots.
Please let us know Here if you'd like to extend some Gardener Gratitude in our next newsletter.
Compost News
We are getting an electric mower to support Citywide goals to support air quality. This is a pilot project to see if this is an effective method of managing compost.
We still continue to get items thrown in the compost (sunflower stalks, large root balls, weeds with seeds etc. ) that are not compostable. Please be considerate and take home those items or spend the time to cut them up.
Upcoming Events
Wed August 23rd: 6:30 to 8:30 pm Community Volunteer Work Party. Projects will include Composting inside and outside the garden, Weeding specific spaces at the garden, Weeding outside the garden in the new park area, Spread more gravel on the west side, Weed barrier and fabric relocate, installation of irrigation piping on West side.
Tues Sept 12: 6 pm Monthly Garden Meeting, at the garden. All gardeners welcome! Please come share your ideas and hear what's happening.
Wed Sept 27: 6 pm Potluck BBQ and Music in the Garden with John Hewitt, Mark your calendars for a lovely evening with your community!
Gardener Opportunities
Event Hosts: We are looking for gardeners who would like to serve as Event Hosts for specific events. This involves greeting our guests, recruiting gardeners to help clear the pavilion for performances, cue up the grill, and make a Costco run (you will be reimbursed if you save your receipts.) This is a great way to meet people and serve your community! Let us know Here if you're interested.
Westside Plant Watering Fairies: The Sign Up Genius Here will help us keep those plants alive in their first season. Please take a shift or several. Watering days include Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun. This is an easy way to get Service Hours and bond with our new trees and plants on the West side!
Workshop Leads: Do you have bee keeping skills, can you build birdhouses, can you jar and can, do you have special gardening tips or other skills you'd like to share with gardeners? We'd be happy to get a date on the calendar if you'd like to share your skills with our community this season or next! Let us know Here if you're interested.
In service to community,
Rose Roots Leadership Team
