Rose Roots Gardeners,
As we wrap up our beautiful productive 2021 gardening season, below are a few gardener reminders. You can find Minutes from our recent Oct 5 monthly meeting Here.
Upcoming Events
Oct 14, 9 am: We will spray garden with organic beneficial nematodes to combat pests this Fall and next Spring.
Note: The application of nematodes will be more effective if there is less vegetation in your plot, so we recommend removing the larger vegetation before this application if you are able. If you are able to water your garden on the afternoon of Oct 14 after they have been applied, that would be super helpful!
Oct 15: City will turn water off at garden
Oct 23, 2-4 pm: RSVP HERE by Oct 20 for our annual Harvest Potluck. It is shaping up to be a well attended event with the city party trailer, a possible llama visit, good food, socializing and fun youth activities. Don't miss our last gathering this season!
Note: in the Evite details there is a picnic basket icon where you can sign up to bring a main, side dish or dessert. Plates, cups, utensils and drinks will be provided.
Oct 30, 9-11 am: Tentative final season work party.
Note: we will be having additional work days for those interested in supporting the development of the Westside landscaping neighborhood improvement project. Contact us Here to get on our team updates mailing list or check calendar if interested in participating.
Oct 31: Final day to have your plot cleared out and record service hours.
Note: Twelve service hours are required per season per plot and can be logged Here. If you know you won't have time to complete your hours by Oct 31 and would like to send your financial contribution of $7 per hour, feel free to leave a check in the white mailbox inside the barn on the right side of the entrance or send a check made out to "Rose Roots Garden" to:
Rose Roots Treasurer John Malito
8439 Devinney Court
Arvada, CO 80005.
The total current outstanding hours as of Oct 6 to be completed per plot are tallied in the attachment below:
We will send out invoices for final outstanding balances in November 2021. We thank you for either your service hours or monetary contributions to support operations and maintenance of this fabulous community amenity.
Nov 9, 5:30-7 pm: Tentative next meeting at Standley lake library. Check calendar for updates.
Nov 9, 5-7 pm: DUG Harvest Happy Hour, at Posner Center, Denver
Nov 13, 9-1 pm: Tentative Work day for 3rd annual week of action, volunteers coordinated through DUG
Gardener Updates and Reminders
Pre-Registration for 2022: Our Pre-Registration form for the 2022 Season is live Here. Please let us know if you plan to return by Feb 2022. Please also use this form to let us know if you aren't returning, so we can make your plot available to those on our waitlist. This form can also be used to get on our waitlist for 2022.
Food Donation Schedule: The beloved Veggie Van has a flat tire and needs repair so will not be doing pick-ups or deliveries. For the remainder of the season, there will be two deliveries Monday and Thursday mornings to the Community Table only.
Westside Landscaping Project: Learn more about this wonderful neighborhood improvement project Here. If you'd like to support upcoming community projects like these as an individual or business, you can donate a tree to offer tribute to an individual to be integrated into the project or become a Friend of Rose Roots Here. We greatly appreciate the contributions we've received and expect some beautiful community improvements to grow from your generosity. Please continue to bring grass clippings, leaves, and cardboard and leave to the west of the barn.
Also, If anyone has access to a grader or grading skills, we'd love your help or a few hours.
End of Season Organic Matter: As you clear your plots out, feel free to put all organic matter in the growing pile to the West of the Barn. You may put corn and sunflower stalks there as well as diseased plants and rotting produce as we will not be using the compost in plots but for the neighborhood improvement project.
Note: The orange fenced enclosure is an experiment site, and the pile immediately south of that fenced area is where you can put all organic material from your garden. We are hoping to use it as compost for the Westside landscaping neighborhood improvement project.
Leadership 2022 Season: Here are the Lead positions available that will be appointed at the start of the 2022 gardening season:
Event Coordinator,
Community Outreach Lead, Communications Lead,
Service Hour Tracker,
Produce Donation lead,
Youth Team lead.
If you haven't already, let us know if you're interested in leading in one of these roles. We love to have new and returning volunteer leadership and we need you!
If you made it through another riveting garden update, email us at for a Gardener Appreciation prize if you can identify one way you can help us with the Westside Landscaping Project.
If you missed any of our recent newsletters, you can get caught up on all recent updates Here. Keep an eye out for the latest updates on our Calendar Here.
Happy Harvesting and we will see you out at the garden,
Erin and the Rose Roots Leadership Team
Phone: (720) 702-8806