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Rose RootZone May 2024 Iss. 1: Let the Gardening Begin!

Writer's picture: Rose Roots Garden LeaderRose Roots Garden Leader

Updated: Apr 28, 2024

We are looking forward to seeing you all this season at the garden! If you have had a plot assigned and paid your dues, feel free to start getting your plot set up as the water was recently turned on by the City. On Sat May 4 from 9-12 pm we are looking forward to seeing everyone at the rescheduled Rose Roots Opening Work Party and BBQ provided by the garden.

Note: We have a few plots left after registration, so now is the time to recruit your friends and family if they would like to secure one of our last available plots. Please email us at if interested.

Event Recap

Rose Roots Plot Registration Open House

Five Parks Depot

March 18, 2024

We had our first In Person Open House registration in four years! It was a great success, with stations, door prizes, bingo, snacks and new and cherished gardening friends gathering to kick off the Rose Roots 2024 Season.

We would like to thank Freedom Street, Global Thrift, O'Tooles, and Board 30 for their generous door prize donations. We would especially like to thank all of the gardeners who offered their expertise at the informational booths to make the event a success!

Westside Planter Setup Party

Sat April 13, 2024, 9-12 pm

Patty Sacks, Special Projects Lead, led seven volunteers who showed up to assist with setting up the four horse trough planters at Westside. We moved the troughs out of the barn, laid them out along the path at Westside, set them level, and added material to isolate a 4 to 6 inch layer of drain rock from a thick layer of compost. We still need to complete moving compost into the bins and then we’ll add a layer of planting mix. We’re taking any and all ideas for planting with annual flowers and vegetables, which will take place in early June. 

We would like to thank gardeners Kim Bloom, Steve Wheeler, Margaret Jacot, Andrea Nordgren, Dan Donaldson, Tina Leonardo, and Anna Campbell, for all their energy to accomplish this work.

Additionally, we have 120 lineal feet of pollinator bed to weed this year and we have divided this work into twenty foot sections. Three gardeners have stepped up to tend 20-foot long sections of this bed starting now through the fall. Many thanks to Tina Lonardo, Anna Campbell, and Margaret Jacot for agreeing to take on this task. We still need three more volunteers to adopt the other half of the pollinator bed.

Pollinator Garden Set Up

Sat April 6, 2024

Shannon Sawyer, Rose roots Administrator, and Katie Meis led approximately 15 dedicated gardeners who came out in the cold and wind to do South Pollinator Garden spring cleaning tasks including pruning the winter dead material and weeding. The pollinator garden is beautifully pruned, weeded and ready to flourish in the 2024 season. Thank you to everyone who came out to spruce up the place!

Upcoming Events

Garden Opening Work Day and BBQ:

May 4th , 2024: 9-1 pm

We will clean out the barn, spruce up the community garden areas and enjoy a community BBQ. Come when you can, leave when you must. Many hands make light work, plus, this is a great time to get your Service Hours in.

Save the Date

Sat May 4: Rose Roots Garden Opening Work Party, 9-1 pm

Tues May 14: All Gardener Monthly Meeting, 6-7 pm (at the garden weather permitting)

Sat May 25: Seedling Exchange 12-3 pm

Please check the Calendar HERE for updates and changes.

We look forward to seeing you this Spring!

Rose Roots Leadership Team

Laura Bennett, President

Erin Newton, Vice President

Tom Glum, Treasurer

Shannon Sawyer, Administrator

Gary Williams, Operations Lead

Jim Richards, Operations Lead

Patty Sacks, Special Projects Lead


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Rose Roots Community Garden  |  8412 Alkire St, Arvada, CO |  (720) 702-8806

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